all postcodes in CO5 / COLCHESTER

find any address or company within the CO5 postcode district

Postcode Area

CO / Colchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CO5 7AA 2 0 51.843339 0.938851
CO5 7AB 4 0 51.841905 0.924151
CO5 7AD 7 0 51.843266 0.919665
CO5 7AE 4 1 51.841208 0.919968
CO5 7AG 1 1 51.841711 0.939108
CO5 7AL 11 0 51.835432 0.921524
CO5 7AN 7 0 51.83393 0.919714
CO5 7AP 4 0 51.83908 0.934987
CO5 7AR 11 0 51.837173 0.929245
CO5 7AS 20 0 51.837691 0.933343
CO5 7AT 9 0 51.837229 0.933488
CO5 7AU 24 0 51.840369 0.937423
CO5 7AW 7 1 51.833721 0.91761
CO5 7BD 4 0 51.854371 0.945713
CO5 7BG 6 1 51.844571 0.943447
CO5 7BH 11 1 51.842928 0.94045
CO5 7BN 21 1 51.84551 0.94618
CO5 7BJ 14 0 51.846777 0.95483
CO5 7BL 4 0 51.845458 0.951448
CO5 7FD 1 0 51.846747 0.945724